Tips for managing a team

Skills and strategies for managing your team are incredibly important to build a good team and
workplace culture and prevent problems building up. Helpful techniques include:

Tips for Managing a Team


Why is it important to consider how we manage our team?  

Skills and strategies for managing your team are incredibly important to build a good team and workplace culture and prevent problems building up. Helpful techniques include: 


  1.  Developing your own interpersonal, communication and listening skills can help you to have good relationships with your team members. 
  2.  Set clear expectations: Clearly and specifically communicate your expectations for your team members in terms of their responsibilities, goals, and performance standards. This helps your team members know what to do and also helps you address issues specifically if challenges arise. 
  3.  Provide regular feedback: Regularly provide your team members with feedback on their performance, both positive and constructive. This will help them understand how they are doing and what they can do to improve. 
  4.  Set regular goals for them from a workplace perspective as well as some personal work goals of their own. 
  5.  Encourage open communication: Encourage your team members to communicate openly with you and with each other. This can help build trust, safety and grow a positive team culture. Be open to feedback of your own from your team, both positive and constructive. 
  6. Lead by example: Be a role model for your team members by demonstrating the behaviours and work ethic that you expect from them. 
  7. Recognise and reward good work: When your team members do good work, make sure to recognize and reward them. 
  8. Provide opportunities for growth and development: Provide your team members with opportunities for growth and development, such as training, mentoring, and challenging projects. This can help them develop their skills and progress their careers. 
  9. Be flexible: Be flexible and adaptable to your team members’ needs and preferences. This can help them feel valued and supported and can lead to a more productive and engaged team. 



Accessing Support

For personalised support with a psychologist or therapist, you can contact us on 07 3254 0333 to schedule an appointment.



Download the PDF Tip Sheet

Axis Clinic Managing Staff – Tip Sheet